Cuesta, H., Gómez, E., Martorell, A., Loáiciga, F. (2018). "Analysis of intonation in unison choir singing". 15th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition / 10th triennial conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, ICMPC/ESCOM 2018 (Graz, Austria).
Janer, J., Gómez, E., Martorell, A., de Wit, B. (2016). “Immersive orchestras: audio processing for orchestral music VR content”. 8th International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Games for Serious Applications, VS-Games'16 (Barcelona, Spain).
Schedl, M., Melenhorst, M., Liem, C., Martorell, A., Mayor, Ó., Tkalčič, M. (2016). “A personality-based adaptive system for visualizing classical music”. 7th International Conference on Multimedia Systems, MMSys'16 (Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Austria).
Martorell, A., Sartori. I. (2015). "Sons de Barcelona". ICREA International Workshop on Hearing the city. Institut d'Estudis Catalans (Barcelona).
Martorell, A. (2015). "Digital encodings of early music: usability factors for computational analysis". International Workshop on Musicology and informatics in dialogue. Saarland University (Saarbrücken, Germany).
Melenhorst, M., van der Sterren, R., Arzt, A., Martorell, A., Liem, C. (2015). “A tablet app to enrich the live and post-live experience of classical concerts”. 3rd International Workshop on Interactive Content Consumption (Brussels, Belgium).
Martorell, A. (2014). “Set-class surface analysis: a hierarchical multi-scale approach”. 7th International Workshop on Machine Learning and Music, MML 2014 (Barcelona, Spain).
Martorell, A. (2014). “Systematic multi-scale set-class analysis”. 15th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2014 (Taipei, Taiwan).
Martorell, A. (2014). “Systematic set-class surface analysis: a hierarchical multi-scale approach”. 8th European Music Analysis Conference, EuroMAC 2014 (Leuven, Belgium).
Martorell, A., Toiviainen, P., Gómez, E. (2012). “Temporal multi-scale considerations in the modeling of tonal cognition from continuous rating experiments”. 12th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition - 8th Triennial Conference of the Europen Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, ICMPC-ESCOM 2012 (Thessaloniki, Greece).
Martorell, A., Gómez. E. (2011). “Two-dimensional visual inspection of pitch-space, many time-scales and tonal uncertainty over time”. 3rd International Conference in Mathematics and Computation in Music (Ircam, Paris).