(2020-now) - Tecnologia - Core and optative courses (1r, 2n i 4t d'ESO). Informàtica - Optative course (4t d'ESO). Institut Banús, Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona).
(2019-2020) - Música - Core and optative courses (1er, 2n i 3er d'ESO). Institut Terra Roja, Santa Coloma de Gramenet (Barcelona).
(2017-2018) - Signals and Systems II - Core undergraduate course of the engineering curricula (Audiovisual Systems and Telecommunications Network Engineering), Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Coordination, theory, recitations and labs (Spanish and English).
(2016-2018) - Fonaments de Física (Fundamentals of Physics) - Core undergraduate course of the engineering curricula (Computer, Audiovisual Systems, Telecommunications Network Engineering, and Mathematical Engineering in Data Science). Coordination, theory, recitations and labs (Spanish, Catalan and English).
(2016-2018) - Senyals i Sistemes (Signals and Systems) - Core undergraduate course of the engineering curricula (Computer, Audiovisual Systems, Telematics, and Biomedical Engineering), Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Coordination and theory (Spanish and Catalan).
(2015-2017) - Equips i Sistemes d'Audio (Audio Equipment and Systems) - Core undergraduate course of the Audiovisual Systems Engineering curricula, Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Labs (Spanish, English and Catalan).
(2013-2018) - Audio and Music Processing Lab - Optative graduate course of Master in Sound and Music Computing, Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Coordination, theory and labs (English).
(2009-2016) - Ones i Electromagnetisme (Waves and Electromagnetism) - Core undergraduate course of the engineering curricula (Computer, Audiovisual Systems, and Telematics Engineering), Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Theory, recitations and labs (Spanish and Catalan).
I also teach a number courses, targetting high-school teachers, with the purpose of stimulate the use of sound and music technologies into the classroom (purposeful for Physics, Mathematics and Technology curricula). The courses, entitled "Els Sons de la Natura, la Natura dels Sons" (The Sounds of Nature, the Nature of Sounds), and "So, ciència i tecnologia" (Sound, Science and Technology), cover the physical phenomena behind the production, propagation and perception of natural and musical sounds, from both theoretical and practical (analysis/synthesis) approaches. The courses, related with the MTG's initiatives Freesound and Sons de Barcelona, fosters the use of free sound analysis and synthesis software, such as Audacity, Sonic Visualiser or Pure Data, as well as of collaborative open-licensed sound databases. These courses are part of broader educational initiatives, involving sound creation projects in multicultural contexts (high-school students, children, underrepresented communities, etc.).